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Monday, 16 December 2013

Krissi Pookie aka The Holocauster

There are attention whores & then there are those who take it to the next level. This self-proclaimed National Socialist (aka neo-Nazi racist, anti-Semitic twat) became somewhat of an internet celebrity not only because of her big tits & petite frame, but also because of her extreme views. So extreme, in fact, that Tumblr banned her original blog. I'm not really sure if she actually believes in that kind of ideology or just desperately looking for attention, but one thing I'm sure of is that with a body like hers she's the type fit to be bred only by the blondest & whitest of Aryan males.

Although some people would like nothing more than seeing her get gang-raped by a bunch of black dudes, at the end of the day she's just another camwhore who could easily be talked into sticking a Sharpie up her anus provided a decent number of people are watching. There's probably one thing she & I can both agree on & it's that feminism is a bunch of crap.

More preview pics

DOWNLOAD (589 pics, 54 GIFs & 40 videos, 2.05 Gb) MIRROR LINK

Her pictures & videos have been collected from several different sources. Duplicate pics have been removed & there were also several pics I brightened up a bit.



10/18/2014: Mirror link re-hosted
9/7/2014: Mirror link has been added
8/22/2014: More pictures have been added to the .RAR file!


  1. Yes it is possible to lick your elbow.
    It is also funny to watch people trying to do it if you claim it is impossible.

    See video title "I don't even know"

  2. I only got 1 vid in the download are there more

  3. She's not a Neo-Nazi....From where do you get your information? The post above^? If so, if it said that she also can breathe underwater and has friends that dance on heads of pins would that ring true as well? Not a single "Nazi" thing is said in any of her videos, besides her saying that she's not racist (oops, lol) and not to mention, aren't you kind of being a bit of an -ist?

  4. Great work!
    Any chance for an update on this post?

    1. Yeah she uploaded some new vids on her youtube channel. I'll probably also look for some more of her pics which aren't in the .rar file yet. I can't promise when I'll be able to update the file, so you just have to stay tuned!

  5. Replies
    1. would be okay if it weren't for those retarded septum piercings that make her look even more alienish. bag over her head worksn just fine though

  6. does anyone know her cup size? methinks she wears push-up bras because whenever she does have a shirt on, her breasts look fuller and bigger. she's no way near hot enough to put aside her reactionary, speshul snowflake beliefs.

    1. Don't know about her cup size, bro. Why don't you go ask her yourself? Here:

  7. I'm taking a poll, which is smarter krissi pookie or a pile of dog shit.

    1. Dog shit, wins out by far.

  8. who cares what she thinks. she has the body of a 15 year old, but with great tits. she looks like jail bait but isnt and thats good for everyone.

  9. So whens the mirror link due, been waiting for this one for a lonnnng time

  10. could you make a torrent for this? it would be shared around quicker AND we wouldnt have ot worry about that download limit

    1. yeah, I need too

    2. Alternatively a mirror that doesn't require you to pay for larger files would be nice.

  11. I went to High School with her. Never talked to her though. She really was an anti-semantic, neo-nazi twat. Tits were nice though.

  12. Could you reupload the file in fileinz please, or in another host?

  13. Mirror link re-upped. Thanks for your patience!

  14. doing gods work, nice to have these all in one neat organized place

  15. Hey! I have four gifs of her (including two nudes) that are not in your archive. do you have an email address where I can send them or should I just post them on a sharing site and post the link here?

  16. pls reupload it
