Belated Happy Halloween, everyone! Here's another set from back in the day that I'm sure some of you would recognize. It's a pair of lesbian nerds, the lovely Erika & her partner Sydnie.
Presenting a blast from the past with this set from the mid-2000's. It was a time when amateur nudes were mostly acquired from fuskering Photobucket accounts for private pics. A time when pictures like these had an air of mystery to them which made them even hotter & that raw, authentic amateur "feel" mainly because they were not meant to be seen by just anyone & were obtained without the owner's knowledge nor consent, unlike today's dime-a-dozen camwhores with self-esteem issues who would gladly strip naked for "Likes" & upvotes.
Here's another set for you to enjoy. It's a bunch of Polaroid pics from an Argentinian art student. To be honest, she doesn't really need to study the works of the Great Masters since her naked body is already a work of art in itself. Check out her 31-picture gallery here.
More preview pics:
As always, all photos & videos have been collected from various sources & all duplicates were removed. FAP HARD!
What is it with cameras that make some girls take selfies non-stop even when they're in the shower? That's probably why a camera is the best thing you can give a chick IMO because after some time you can expect her nudes to pop up in the internet, therefore giving you some great fap material. A worthy investment, don't you think?
UPDATE 4/9/15: New pics were found & added to the collection!
UPDATE 10/31/14: 4 more pics courtesy of our anonymous reader have been found & added to the collection!
She was once a regular contributor at Voyeurweb & has won several contests on the same site. Her gorgeous movie star looks belie the filthy, cum-slurping, cockhungry whore that she truly is. When she'll post again, nobody knows.